Beibei Wang: Serenade of the Woods
21 Aug 2021 7-9pm

San Mei Gallery is pleased to present Serenade of the Woods, a music performance by Beibei Wang, a London-based virtuoso multi-percussion soloist, joining the public programme of Symphony Zero by Lisa Chang Lee.
On August 21 Beibei Wang will perform at San Mei Gallery a musical score written by nature. Wang will use organic objects as percussion instruments, as well as some of the artworks of the exhibition such as bronze sculptures. This one-off live intepretation of the score, is a unique chance to see the artist improvising alongside the nature's score of Chang Lee's audio-visual installation.
Due to Covid restrictions, the performance will be divided in two sets, both sets will be unique and will last approximately 25 min each. We warmly recommend to book one slot only, in order to give to other visitors the chance to take part. Please book here.