Magnified Ear
1 Jun-18 Jun 2023
PV 1 Jun 2023, 6-8pm

Magnified Ear is a group exhibition explores the nature of architectural rhythm through sound dialogue that emerges from architecture and its space. The featured artwork includes sound installations, sculptures, film, performances, and text, questioning whether the sound of human interactions constructs architecture beyond its need to exist.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily grind, sounds born of human interactions within spaces silently capture the essence of our everyday life. Magnified Ear is aiming to shed light on the nature of architectural rhythm through artworks that delve into the sound dialogue between architecture and its space. We seeks to explore the idea that the sound, whether intentionally or coincidentally produced during social encounters, might construct the architecture and space beyond its functional purpose of existence.
The participating artists, who understand sound from different perspectives, question its neglected status of playing role as ghosts of performance, continuity, and manifestations of power. The exhibition aims to explore how the featured artworks can establish sound as a locus for memory in the gallery space.
The exhibition features artworks by seven groups of artists, including those residing in the UK and those abroad in EU countries. Their works explore the idea of sonic encounters and allude to the relationship between sound and space. The artworks magnify a multitude of conversations, ranging from discussions about intention and coincidence to those about remembering and forgetting. They incorporate sound installations, sculptures, films, performances, and text, offering both critical and celebratory perspectives on sounds made by both humans and non-humans.