

7 Mar-26 Apr 2025
PV 6 Mar 2025, 6-8pm

Elizabeth Xi Bauer, Deptford
London SE8 3DX


Elizabeth Xi Bauer presents 'Harvest', a duo exhibition of works by Marta Jakobovits and Anderson Borba, artists whose practices are rooted in exploring materiality. Their work focuses on experimentation: failing, reworking techniques, and creating a visual language using their chosen mediums, clay and wood, respectively. 

“There is a powerful artistic dialogue between Anderson Borba and Marta Jakobovits' practices, which have more in common than what may be visible at first glance. They are both strongly committed to using their own hands as the main instrument of their work.” - Maria do Carmo M. P. de Pontes, Exhibition Curator. 

For the first time, these artists from Europe and South America, spanning different generations, will exhibit together, in a dialogue that allows similarities and differences to emerge between their practices. Jakobovits and Borba mould their chosen materials, clay and wood; fire their materials using a kiln and a blow torch; and build layers through glazes and collages, respectively. For both artists, there is a constant negotiation with the material within their process-orientated approach. Jakobovits and Borba have a deep understanding of various techniques and how their chosen materials respond to processes to create shape, feel, texture, and colour. They use natural elements, mimic nature, and initiate personal experiences, including wider societal and political concerns, through their work. Their practices are inherently linked to and part of proud and profound traditions while being within a contemporary context. 

Installation views


Marta Jakobovits and Anderson Borba press release