Maxim Zhestkov: Simulation Hypothesis
20 Jun-22 Jul 2023

Maxim Zhestkov’s first solo show with Unit London explores the origins of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Inspired by the writing of Noam Chomsky, the artist seeks to overcome the limitations of language through an exploration of origin and narrative. The title of his show, Simulation Hypothesis, connects these themes through a consideration of the building blocks of the universe. Zhestkov’s work positions even the smallest details as agents of ‘true meaning’: his process is iterative, each step informing the next.
“Zhestkov pursues the question of the nature of the universe and its contemporary affect. He plays with a visuality that precedes written language, from a time in which early humans used clay to make vessels and figurines. Zhestkov’s tools, however, are those of programming and software: in dialogue with machines and algorithms, the artist works with the functions of Artificial Intelligence. In doing so, Zhestkov, like the natural inspiration he finds in evolution by natural selection, relishes exploiting the errors his processes introduce.”
— Dr Bergit Arends, Curator & Fellow at the Courtauld Institute of Art