Constructive Land
27 Oct-11 Nov 2022

What would the built environment look like if the health of our landscapes were prioritised over the demands of industry?
This exhibition showcases the work of Constructive Land, a research project hosted by the Forest School of Central Saint Martins, examining the future of the British landscape in the context of the climate crisis.
We are facing a climate and biodiversity emergency. In order to move forward into a decarbonised built environment, we need to radically rethink the way we relate to our natural resources.
Over two weeks the Forest School will host a series of conversations and workshops, in dialogue with the Constructive Land research. The research is structured around three strands; Mosaic Landscapes, which examines different land management practices, Resilient Systems, which develops innovative timber building methods and Clearfell House, an experimental timber structure built with two disease-stricken British timber species, Ash and Larch.
The Forest School invites staff and students from across Central Saint Martins to use this exhibition as their classroom, through which we will showcase the growing concern for our Forests within art and design education.
Constructive Land is led by Material Cultures, Central Saint Martins. Supported by Forestry England and Dalby Forest. Funded by the SOM Foundation, Vastern Timber and the Forestry Commission’s Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Fund.
The Constructive land research in this exhibition is produced by first-year students from M ARCH: Architecture. The Forest School has been initiated by the M ARCH: Architecture course as an open platform operating across Central Saint Martins.
Students: Antonio Abreu, Zahra Ghizlene Badaoui, Elise Blackmore, Cameron Carrington, Zhonguang Chen, Can Danisman, Lucy Daw, Samuel Fraquelli, Leo Hui, Eleanor Johnson, Harry Kendall, Emilia Kepista, Irmak Kuzu, Emily Llumigusin, Amadeo Martini, Joy Matashi, Hannah Millett, Michael Parish Dominica Piatek, Hannah Robinson, Leyla Salih, Dilushanan Selvarajah, Sabina Shaybazyan, Rowan St John, Adam Standford, Humzah Uzzaman, Elliot Wedge
Teaching team: Paloma Gormley, Summer Islam, Daria Moatazed-Keivani and Henry Stringer
Forest School team: Andreas Lang, Joy Mulandi
With thanks to: Forestry England, Forestry England’s Dalby Forest, SOM Foundation, Vastern Timber, Structure Workshop, Villalba Studio, Jez Ralph and Connie Beauchamp
Address: Lethaby Gallery, Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA (View on Google maps)
Immediately at the front of the Granary Building
Opening times
27 October - 11 November: Open to UAL students and staff
27, 28, 29 October and 3, 4, 5 November: Open to the public from 11am–6pm, Saturdays 12pm–5pm