
Drifting Terrain

18 Mar-21 May 2022
PV 17 Mar 2022, 5.30-7.30pm

Korean Cultural Centre UK
London WC2N 5BW


The Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCCUK) presents Drifting Terrain, an exhibition featuring recent and newly-commissioned works by UK-based artists, Euphrosyne Andrews, Nia Fekri and Seungwon Jung. Both aligning with the UK’s cultural initiatives and celebrating Lewisham’s designation as the 2022 London Borough of Culture, the KCCUK has developed this exhibition in collaboration with Lewisham Arthouse, inviting three artists whose works span various medium to reimagine the ‘space’ and where we stand.  

Place matters here, as Drifting Terrain is firstly rooted on the geological sphere of these two localities – Lewisham and Embankment at large. Given the different locations of the KCCUK and Lewisham Arthouse, ultimately linked to representing different communities and cultural codes, the exhibition aims to over-lap each other’s boundary and space, to question the distinction of ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’, and to highlight the possibility of sharing the urban space and reconnecting through art.

By constantly blurring the boundaries and shifting our perceptions, these three artists bring their works and practices into the KCCUK as a way to redefine the space within a socio-political context. 

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Drifting Terrain press release