13 Aug-10 Sep 2020

Bea Bonafini, Minyoung Choi, Freya Douglas-Morris, Jane Hayes-Greenwood, Enya Lachman-Curl, Jonathan Miles, Lyle Perkins, Marlene Steyn. Words mutate and either lose or gain in sense. This involves in this instance an invention of a new orientation that involves both staying put whilst finding a way of moving, a new attitude to being with and the spacing it entails. A whole world exists outside of this word, but this is a world stripped of its habitual openness. Having a world has changed its sense. The way we might draw lines relating to inside and outside have been transformed alongside the mobility expressed through the very act of feeling this is related to an expansive act. Staycation is a conservative word because it signifies both retreat but also conservation. It is also mock ironic in that it involves a stance as much as implying an action, striking out of the vestiges of autonomy and with this freedom. If there is a gesture contained within it than it points towards modesty which strikes against the excess of the idea of the contemporary and all the global rhetoric that attended it.