Universal Fragments : Conversations with Trevor Shearer
11 Oct 2013-24 Jan 2014

Trevor Shearer (1958 – 2013) was an artist whose approach was known to his colleagues and students at Byam Shaw School of Art/ Central Saint Martins where he taught, but whose work has rarely been shown. He died at the beginning of 2013, leaving behind the largely unseen results of a practice that extended across a wide range of media, and which finds its centre of gravity in a remarkably subtle yet unprecious way of thinking and working. Tonico Lemos Auad, Miroslaw Balka, Massimo Bartolini, Jean-Philippe Dordolo, Jean-Luc Moulène and Alison Turnbull have each selected a work of theirs that they feel resonates with that of Shearer’s.