Guido Guidi: Facciate/Facades
28 Sep-22 Dec 2016

Guidi has said that Facciata or Facade refers to both the front of a building and the “face” of a sheet of paper, it is also the title of a series of photographs, on display here, taken by him in the early 1970s of buildings, houses, small precarious constructions on the Romagna coast, close to where he lives. Guido Guidi was born in Cesena, in 1941 and studied architecture in Venice at the beginning of the sixties. Influenced by Neorealist film and Conceptual art, Guidi began exploring how people have altered the natural landscape of Italy. His work has been shown at the Venice Biennale, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Centre Georges Pompidou, Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, MAXXI Rome and most recently, a retrospective exhibition 'Veramente’ was touring from the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation through various venues in Europe.