
Things That Have Interested Me

24 May-14 Aug 2012

Waterside Contemporary
London N1 6TT


In 1921, the prolific writer Arnold Bennett begun publishing 'Things That Have Interested Me', a series of miniature essays on subjects ranging from ‘Politics and Morals’ and ‘Bicarbonate of Soda’ to ‘Sex Equality’. Amounting to hundreds of entries, Things is a cross between journalistic fact-reporting and unrepressed opinion, an early-day blog. In the gallery, Things brings together twelve artists, invited by d'Alancaisez and Ovenden as Bennett would have engaged his topics – through research, acquaintance, recommendation, and occasionally hearsay. The artists use a range of media and address topics as diverse as Bennett’s oeuvre. While this pseudo-democratic method may reveal a disjointed nature of curatorial processes, this collection of things that have interested us, unlocks as much about the curator, as it does about the artwork and its viewer.