The Residence Gallery presents Carl Gent in his debut solo exhibition, Wiðercwedolu þá Glésincga. Gent attempts to re-historicise and re-fictionalise the biographical record of Cynethryth, eighth-century Queen of the Mercians. Working across installation, text, performance and print, Gent combines texturally allergic and incompatible materials in an aim to erode the associative histories embedded within them. Be it absinthe, 21st century urban architecture or the romantic landscapes employed by cinematic corporatism, a humiliation of meaning is attempted. In place of this robbed signification is the desire for a clearing that can permit other voices to be heard. Explicitly ecological; liberation from material anthropocentricism is attempted. Carl Gent is an artist, writer and musician from Bexhill-on-sea, UK. He obtained his MFA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths College, London (2015).