TestBed 1
1 Mar-18 Jul 2010

Michael Curran in collaboration with Lucy Gunning, Anthony Gross, Lilli Hartmann, Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Dafna Talmor, Joseph Walsh In a time when millions of viewers have access to the Internet, video/cameras and home-editing suites, a circulated YouTube clip becomes a conversational spectacle overnight. With the proliferation and advancement of technology, the creative process itself has become more democratic and has enabled people en masse to become not only viewers but ‘creators’. TestBed 1 responds to popular practice by inviting artists working with the moving image to produce and present artworks using the prevalent modes of production readily available - in the context of a professional art space. Participating artists will work in the Beaconsfield galleries from March to August in a series of residencies. During this time the public is invited to witness our galleries turn laboratories, turn performance and production sites. Check website for weekly schedule and FlatScreen programme.