Seb Patane : RE-MASTER
1 Jul-6 Aug 2017

RE-MASTER, presents a body of new, related works by London based artist Seb Patane, that lie between the fields of art and music. All four works are in some way re-mixed, addressing notions of authorship through drawing other artists– Gustav Metzger, Pablo Bronstein and Black to Comm – into the creative process. Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall is pleased to contribute to an international overview of the breadth of Patane’s practice by presenting RE–MASTER to coincide with a solo exhibition of two-dimensional works in the artists native Italy (hyperlink). The London exhibition includes a newly made version of the video Gustav Metzger as Erwin Piscator, Gera, January 1915, a re-mastering of the sound piece Abdomen, and a complete rework of Abdomen by German musician Black To Comm. The London presentation also launches The Fog, a video by Patane’s music project Fog School, made in collaboration with artist Pablo Bronstein and film-maker Tim Knights and featuring dancer Rob Bridger.