Stine Deja

b. 1986, Denmark
Stine Deja was born in Denmark in 1986 and currently lives and works in Copenhagen. She received her MA in Visual Communication (Moving Image) from the Royal College of Art in 2015 and her BA in Interaction Design from Kolding School of Design in 2012.
Since 2017, her work has been represented by ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY. The artist has had four gallery solo exhibitions, including CYPHORIA, a virtual travel agency that explored the techno-social phenomenon of living concurrently outside/inside the machine, then There is Life Outside intended as an exposé of our increasingly artificial world. In 2018, Deja also collaborated with the artist Marie Munk on the exhibition Synthetic Seduction examining synthesised intimacy. In 2020, her fourth solo show Last Resort at ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY featured a new series of mixed media sculptures, based on Deja’s latest research into immortality and life-extending treatments.
A select exhibition history of the artist includes shows at: Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, Videbaek, Denmark (2021); Tranen, Hellerup, Denmark (2021); KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, Germany (2021); HeK Museum, Basel, Switzerland (2020); ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (2020); PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm, Russia (2020); Somerset House, London, UK (2020); MdbK, Leipzig, Germany (2019); Tranen, Hellerup, Denmark (2019); Schimmel Project, Dresden, Germany (2018); ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (2018); SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark (2018); ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (2017); Assembly Point, London, UK (2016); Bargehouse, London, UK (2016); Concrete Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark (2015); Hockney Gallery, London, UK (2015); Fringe Film Festival, London, UK (2014); Dansk Kvindesamfund, Copenhagen, Denmark (2014).
Work by the artist is represented in permanent European private and public collections, including the ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, and the Danish Arts Foundation, Copenhagen.