
The Common Guild

The Common Guild


The Common Guild is a visual arts organisation based in Glasgow, with a varied public programme of exhibitions, projects and events that take place in different locations. We are committed to presenting artists’ work in interesting and engaging ways and aim to create world-class contemporary art experiences and discussions.

With a focus on accessibility, equality, and supporting artists, we are a registered charity, supported by Creative Scotland and through a range of grants and donations.

Accessibility & facilities

Assistive audio
Large print guides

We are committed to using fully accessible venues wherever possible and develop bespoke solutions for each project or event. This includes the provision of subtitles, captions or transcripts to accompany film or video works and large print guides. Our talks are audio recorded and made available online on our website and Soundcloud where appropriate. 
 For any questions about access, please contact: [email protected] in advance of a visit.