
WORK BEGAT WORK: Ian Hamilton Finlay & Andy Goldsworthy

11 Apr-28 Sep 2025

Jupiter Artland
Wilkieston EH27 8BY


This exhibition brings together work by two significant artists who have been foundational to the development of Jupiter Artland. It coincides with Ian Hamilton Finlay’s centenary and the celebration of Andy Goldsworthy at National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh.

Ian Hamilton Finlay visited Jupiter in 2005, choosing a magnificent beech tree as the site for his Temple of Apollo. Finlay said of the site that ‘WORK BEGAT WORK’, meaning one artwork would call others; these word shave acted as a guiding light for Jupiter. Alongside the park’s permanent sculptures by both artists, a selection of poetic and rarely seen works are presented in dialogue, in the Upper Steadings Gallery. Goldsworthy’s Clay Tree Wall, created at Jupiter in 2009, will be revealed for the first time in twelve years.