The Sun Reflected On a Pond At Night
13 Mar-23 Mar 2025

The Sun Reflected on a Pond at Night is a posthuman fairy-tale that offers a radical counterpoint to the linearity of the neo-capitalist agenda. Presented at London’s A.P.T. Gallery from the 13th to the 23rd of March 2025, this group exhibition invites viewers into a space where the absurd and the unconscious push back against the relentless forward march of capitalist productivity.
Transformation in motion becomes the product itself—fluid, uncertain, and ever-evolving. By prioritising movement over static outcomes, the exhibition sheds light on the precarity of contemporary society caught in a relentless dynamic of aimless productivity.
In an era prevailed by neo-capitalist values, which praise unending growth and measurable output, this exhibition instead revolves around the concept of “unproductive production”, understood as a revolutionary act. Through a cyborg-feminist lens, it adopts the language of the fairy-tale and refuses to conform to the rational, the efficient and the linear. The Sun Reflected on a Pond at Night ultimately questions whether we can resist the oppressive neo-capitalist propaganda through the stories we tell, the worlds we imagine and the unproductive acts of creation we dare to embrace.