Saelia Aparicio: A Joyful Parasite
5 Jul 2025-1 Feb 2026

A major new commission and solo exhibition by London-based Spanish artist Saelia Aparicio.
Aparicio operates within paradoxical spaces that we often consider the normal and the everyday, using
a unique symbolic system to reveal a sense of humour that destabilises our perceptions and invites us to journey into a space where other rules apply. Her multidisciplinary practice comprising mural, video, drawing and sculpture is presented through a series of whispers instead of statements, allowing audiences to enter her work through a joyous window into a playful dimension where function, affection and self-assurance coexist.
For her presentation at Baltic, Aparicio will develop an ecosystem of characters and situations through a speculative universe dwelling on ideas of the organic by establishing analogies between corporeal and social mechanisms. Inspiration will come from classical mythology and the transformative forms found in Ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Mesoamerica – blended between animals and humans such as the sphinx, Anubis or the Mayan Camazotz. Her installation will shape a fictional world, presenting hybrid bodies, built upon semantically loaded material where what is human or not blurs. These forms will be imagined through their gender fluidity, drawing from the ‘two-spirited’ idea that comes from indigenous
North American culture.
This exhibition is supported by Foundation Foundation.