lip service
30 Jan 2025 7-8.30pm

Come along for a performance and launch of publications celebrating common/play\grounds by Yasamin Ghalehnoie and Sass Popoli.
lip service is a performance of three playmates (yasamin, sass, hannah) organising, preparing, and attending to a playground of their common desire, bearing the weight of the everyday psychosocial anxieties and disabilities towards taking part. The performance plays out five new publications printed throughout this project, along with an improvised soft score.
/inward. outward. collective play time. words burst into an inaudible murmur of out of tune yells; coordinated repetitions spill beyond their borders. An invite takes place. Going up the slides, through to the assembly point; holding hand up face down closed eyes. “ohhh my playmates! don’t be shy to take part. the world has come to an end and we still,”\
The performance also launches five publications of poetic visuals and words in collaboration with Hannah Clarkson, Angela YT Chan, and Ashkan Sepahvand in response to the workshops organised by the artists at The Mosaic Rooms as part of the project common /play\ grounds The publications /Hold keeping with my insomnia, Pleasures of the Mouth, What are Autoimmune Autographies, Failed Weathered Radios, How to Play out Rejection\ will be available to purchase at the event.
FREE but please reserve a spot: