Lucía Pizzani in conversation
15 Jan 2025 6-8pm

Off-site at Tenderbooks, 6 Cecil Court, London, WC2N 4HE.
Please join us on Wednesday 15 January, 6-8pm to celebrate a new monograph dedicated to the practice of Venezuelan artist Lucía Pizzani. The artist will be in conversation with Lucia Pietroiusti, one of the authors of the book, followed by a book signing and drinks.
The new monograph, published by This Side Up and edited by Natalia Valencia explores Lucía's multi-disciplinary practice over the last 15 years. New texts by Nicolas Bourriaud, Lucia Pietroiusti and Torrivilla, and an interview between the artist and Lisa Le Feuvre bring to light the diversity of her work, which examines nature and culture, migration and geopolitics and the intersection of art, science and activism, attentive to the impermanence and mutability of all living forms, and their political inscription on the world.