Renowned for his iconic Infinity series, Armstrong intentionally blurs photographs by adjusting the camera’s focusing ring to infinity, creating ethereal and dreamlike images. Light Form further explores his fascination with impermanence and abstraction, pushing the boundaries of his medium to create otherworldly compositions which encourage viewers to contemplate their own reality.
Join us October 11th 18:30-20:00 for a live discussion between Bill Armstrong, Brian Dillon and Edward Dimsdale about his current exhibition, "Light Form."
Bill Armstrong is an American photographer based in New York. His photographic work, characterised by the use of colour and blending, finds in the human figure and in classical Greek and Roman art an important source of inspiration.
Brian Dillon is an Irish writer based in London. His books include Affinities, Suppose a Sentence, Essayism and In the Dark Room. His essays and criticism have appeared in frieze, Art Review, The New Yorker, The Guardian, the London Review of Books and the New York Times.
Edward Dimsdale is a British writer and professor based in Cambridge. He is a Professor of Art & Contemporary Visual Culture and Head of the Cambridge School of Visual Arts and Performing Arts Graduate School.