53 (Dingyue Luna Fan)
26 Sep-24 Oct 2024

Our next online exhibition will feature new work from Chinese artist Dingyue Luna Fan.
Her paintings exist in a space between a dreamscape and a memory, mobilising millennia-long mythology and tradition, embedded within a web of rhythmic brushstrokes. Her semi-abstract works are multi-layered, creating a vibrant dance of colours—rose pink, blue, and everything in between. As viewers take in the compositions, hidden forms emerge gradually, revealing serpents, dolphin snouts, and blinking eyes, all intertwined with a shared vitality, a flow of life force known as qi.
Dingyue Luna Fan’s works defy the traditional mould of female artists, whose subject matter was often limited to vacuous, decorative themes of beauty, fertility or love. Instead, she disrupts conventional notions of femininity by insisting on its dualities. At the heart of Luna’s practice is a candid exploration of feminine energy, mythologised creatures and ultimately, a vitality, guided by an intricate dance between the familiar and the uncanny, memory and dream.
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