
Stacked | Layered | Overlapped

28 Sep-20 Oct 2024
PV 28 Sep 2024, 11am-5pm

Bartha Contemporary
London W11 2AF


Works by two leading artists from Germany. This exhibition explores stacking, layering, and overlapping as compositional tools and showcases a selection of works by Henrik Eiben and Julia Mangold.

The installation features early steel sculptures by Julia Mangold alongside recent works on paper that translate both spatial concerns and visual weight into the picture plane. The artist, who splits her time between  Munich and Portland, Oregon, combines abstraction and precision with intuitively conceived compositions that reflect a unique sense of balance and proportion. Without relying on mathematical systems, these geometric works emanate confidence and clarity while introducing a seductive sensuality through the choice of material, patination and pigmentation.

The Hamburg-based artist Henrik Eiben also employs an abstract geometric vocabulary and combines this with the playful use of colour. Often using deceptive or unorthodox materials, the artist has developed works that teeter on the edge between sculpture, painting and installation. A new wall relief of cantilevered and overlapping perspex elements animates the space and appears to deny basic rules of physics. Industrial materials are carefully juxtaposed, as visible wooden mounts hold the work in place. Equally, an earlier wall relief of five trapeze-shaped wings seemingly extrudes from the wall, casting a yellow shadow contrasting the pink and purple colour of the work’s face. Overlapping elements lend the installation a sense of continued animation as the dynamic composition evolves. 


Stacked | Layered | Overlapped - press release