
Sophia Al-Maria and Lydia Ourahmane: Grey Unpleasant Land

28 Sep 2024-19 Jan 2025
PV 27 Sep 2024, 6-8pm

Spike Island
Bristol BS1 6UX


A two-person exhibition blending the works and worlds of Sophia Al-Maria and Lydia Ourahmane, both of whom are immigrants to the UK. Existing works and a collaborative commission explore the idea of the ‘right to remain’ in the context of semi-feudal laws around property and ownership.

Sophia Al-Maria is a London-based artist. Al-Maria has had recent solo exhibitions at Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha; La Biennale di Venezia, Venice; LUMA Arles; Tate Britain, London, and numerous others. She is the author of three books: Sad Sack (Book Works, London, 2019 & 2023), Virgin with a Memory (Cornerhouse Publications, Manchester, 2014), and The Girl Who Fell to Earth (Harper Perennial, New York, 2012).

Lydia Ourahmane is an artist based in Barcelona, London and Algiers. Ourahmane has had recent solo exhibitions at MACBA, Barcelona, SculptureCentre, New York; rhizome, Algiers; Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland; S.M.A.K Ghent; Portikus, Frankfurt; De Appel, Amsterdam; Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco and Chisenhale Gallery, London, among others. Her work was included in the 60th La Biennale di Venezia, 15th Gwangju Biennale, 34th Bienal de Sao Pãulo, New Museum Triennale and Manifesta 12.

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