Emily Pope reading and tour
3 Aug 2024 3-3.30pm

Artist Emily Pope leads a reading and exhibition tour responding to the art of Beryl Cook and Tom of Finland through the concept of ‘class tourism’. Exploring the potential of socio-political monologues within contemporary media, Pope’s artistic practice stems from a history of experimental broadcasting, with a focus on humour and satire, intersectional feminism, dyke/queer subjectivities, political rhetoric and class politics. Expanding on this research, Pope will draw upon themes of class-consciousness in the context of Beryl Cook / Tom of Finland, specifically in relation to ideas of authenticity, nostalgia and the cultural appropriation of subcultures under late capitalism.
This event forms part of our Saturday Talks series, in which artists, curators and writers lead personal responses to Beryl Cook / Tom of Finland. These talks, readings and performances are an opportunity to explore specific aspects of the exhibition, from 'bad taste' to class tourism, masculinity and sexuality in the military, and London's lost queer spaces.