What Never Was
8 Mar-30 Mar 2024
PV 7 Mar 2024, 6-9pm

Work by Jane Millican, Scott Robertson, Mark Spelman, Deb Whitney & Excerpts from the Islington Oxfam's copy of 'Insult to Injury' by Jake and Dinos Chapman
"What a joy to know where one is, and where one will stay, without being there. Nothing to do but stretch out comfortably on the rack, in the blissful knowledge you are nobody for eternity" - Samuel Beckett.
What Never Was draws from a work that questioned what it was doing in an Art Gallery, whether it should be there and how it should be seen. The work in the show essentially asks 'what am I and was I ever there in the first place'. It is about (not) knowing your place, having ideas above your station and questions what never was.
Curated by Orion W Crane