Omar El Lahib
6 Mar-10 Apr 2024
PV 6 Mar 2024, 6-8pm

Saatchi Yates presents the second solo show by Lebanese artist Omar El Lahib. Blurring lines between the fantastical and the everyday, El Lahib’s latest paintings come alive in a mystical world beyond the ordinary, where sunflowers reign supreme.
‘I think Omar El Lahib would rather sleep during the day and stay up all night,’ Dina Bizri Zaki comments, ‘he does not seem that fond of daytime, maybe it is too earth-bound. The night unfolds as a magical realm where life undergoes perpetual reimagining through his prism. It is a realm where everything has the potential to change, experience transformation, and evolve into something or someone entirely different.’
In his latest works, El Lahib invites the viewer into atmospheric, dark landscapes, where intensity is magnified through his application of light. Configuring abstract worlds with sunflowers as a focal point, El Lahib’s figures occupy the space with a power of their own.