
Frieda Toranzo Jaeger: A future in the light of darkness

16 Mar-26 May 2024

Modern Art Oxford
Oxford OX1 1BP


Frieda Toranzo Jaeger’s intricately embroidered multi-panel paintings remix iconography from western art history with indigenous techniques to subvert and challenge dominant power structures and historical narratives.

Toranzo Jaeger’s work uses pre-Columbian Mexican embroidery techniques to disrupt familiar motifs of well-known western artworks as a way of proposing an existence outside of structural systems of control. Using recurring imagery of queer love making, lush tropical greenery and brightly coloured flora, intermixed with symbols of corporate power – the car, the engine, and the spacecraft – she invites us to think critically about the potential for an alternative future beyond colonialism and hyper capitalism.

This exhibition is the first UK solo institutional presentation of new and recent works by the Mexico City-based artist.