Workshop: Archiving our journeys through poetry with Nathalie Abi-Ezzi
6 Jul 2023 6-7.30pm

Life is full of different kinds of journeys. These can be physical journeys from one place to another, emotional journeys, or the journeys of life, like leaving home, parenthood, friendships, and more.
Using our own lives and memories as a springboard, this practical workshop with Nathalie Abi-Ezzi will look at how to approach writing a poem grounded in the self, and the inspiration we can glean from our own experiences, each other, and everything around us.
We will consider the wordplay, structures and emotions that can be used to translate experiences onto the page, and tap into the Traces: Stories of Migration exhibition in the gallery space for ideas.
Most importantly, this will not be a workshop about the dos and don’ts of writing poetry, but about unlocking your creativity and voice.
All levels of experience are welcome – writing materials are provided!