Exhibition Opening
11 May 2023 6-8pm

Frieze No.9 Cork Street invites you to the opening reception of:
The Observatory
The Page Gallery, based in Seoul, presents The Observatory, a solo exhibition of Korean artist and film director IM Heung-soon. The presentation is influenced by the artist’s focus on the Korean Peninsula’s current situation after the division, and it showcases the artist's new film and video installations.
Ali Kazim
Jhaveri Contemporary, presents 'The Weight of Blue', a solo show by Ali Kazim. The colour blue – French ultramarine, cobalt, indigo – unites the works across this exhibition. Blue is the colour of the sky and water, of vastness and longing. It is associated with melancholy too, and is a metaphor for the spiritual. Floating against unmodulated backgrounds, and saturated with thin layers of watercolour wash, Kazim's portraits are a tour de force of emotion.
Tom Howse & Jone Kvie
Galleri Opdahl, presents the British painter Tom Howse, b.1981, and the Norwegian sculptor Jone Kvie, b.1971. Howse's paintings explore the borders between the real and the imaginary. Through visual confabulations of myths and folklore, the absurd and the known, Howse questions our search for understanding. Jone Kvie works predominantly with bronze and stone, and he investigates how we relate and navigate through time and space.