The Public Value of Things
11 May 2023 7.30-9.30pm

A public discussion between artists James Prevett, Amy Feneck and Ruth Beale (the Alternative School of Economics) exploring art, value and public(s) in the context of their individual and collective artistic work.
The talk marks the launch of James Prevett’s book Things for Homes / Homes for Things that culminates his 4-year project with TACO! in which he made sculptures for people in their homes.
At the heart of James Prevett's Things for Homes / Homes for Things are conversations about our social relationship to objects and the spatial relations these depend on. Prevett’s inquiry is intimate and gentle, occurring as it does on a domestic scale in the homes of people who don’t own art, and perhaps have never cared for it that much before. Without the expectations and politics that grand publicness entails, it embraces instead the potential for social connection through making and giving of sculpture to strangers.