Zine-making workshop - Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities
26 Jan 2023 10am-1pm

Gather round Editorial Tables for a morning mapping and zine-making workshop, led by co-curators Lily Hall, Yvonne Billimore and Jussi Koitela.
Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities is an exhibition and public programme bringing together the publishing practices of Ruth Beale, Sezgin Boynik: Rab-Rab Press, Minna Haukka & Kristin Luke: The Mobile Feminist Library, Minna Henriksson, Rose Nordin and Elham Rahmati & Vidha Saumya: NO NIIN magazine.
Editorial Tables celebrates the production and dissemination of knowledge through the act of independent, experimental and artist-led publishing, with a focus on intersecting feminist and decolonial perspectives. The project involves a range of publishing, archiving, print and distribution practices by artists, curators and art workers; bringing these into relation and dialogue in the lead-up to the realisation of the exhibition at The Showroom.
Throughout the eight-week duration of the show, a public programme bringing publics and artists together will activate matters, material and processes presented in the exhibition.
Part of Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities
Image: Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities, poster and visual identity 2023. Design by Reishabh Kailey.