Leeds Artists Show 2023
15 Feb-30 Apr 2023

For the first time in more than a decade, Leeds Art Gallery is showcasing artworks created by artists from across the city in the Leeds Artists Show 2023. The show features drawing, painting, photography, performance, sculpture, textiles, film and video following an open call for submissions.
90 artists were selected to show new and recent work by a panel comprising Derek Horton (writer-curator), Kadish Morris (critic-writer), Hardeep Pandhal (artist) and Isabelle Marklew (performance artist and sculptor) and member of the gallery's Youth Collective, together with Jane Bhoyroo (principal keeper) and Holly Grange (exhibitions curator).
The exhibition introduces the next generation of artists with drawings and paintings by 21 young people from Leeds primary schools.
Leeds Artists Show takes place during LEEDS 2023 Year of Culture.
Featured artists: Adam Stone - Adelina Canolli - Amelia Frances Wood - Andy Black - Anne-Marie Atkinson - Annie Greenwood - Astrid Butt - Attiyyah Rahman - Benedict L Phillips - Beth Waite - Caitlin Hall - Carine Williams - Catherine Jablonski - Charlotte Cullen - Christopher H Grisley - Connor Shields - Craig Scott - Danele Evans - D'arcy Darilmaz - David Sowerby - David Steans - Diane Howse - Edd Carr - Ella McBride - Emii Alrai - Emma Bentley Fox - Erika Pearse - Florian Hynam - George Storm Fletcher - Hafifi Ahmed - Hang Zhang - Hannaa Hamdache - Hannah Archer - Hannah Buckley - Hannah Platt - Herfa Thompson - Hollie Miller - Hondartza Fraga - Howard Eaglestone - Ian Jackson - Ian Kirkpatrick - Imo Dunkley - Jack Pell - James Sewell - Jill McKnight - Jioni Warner - Jonathan Turner - Joseph Goddard - Joshua Hart - Judith Tucker - Julia McKinlay - Jure Paponja - K Walker - Karanjit Panesar - Karl Russell Vickers - Katherine James - Kelly Cumberland - Kp Culver - Lorna Johnson - Lucy Wright - Luke Thompson - Marcia Brown MA - Marie Collier - Melissa Burntown - Michelle Duxbury - Mohammad Barrangi - Oliver Getley - Pamela Crowe - Paul Emsell - Paula Chambers - Phee Jefferies - Ralph Darbyshire - Rhian Cooke - Ria Davies - Rob Riggs - Ronnie Danaher - Rosie Vohra - Rufus Newell - Safia Rezai - Sarah Roberts - SSOUL - Stella Baraklianou - Suman Kaur - Tiegan Handley - Tony Noble - Vee Dagger - Walid Elmahdy - Yvonne Baines - Zhiming Xing - Zoe Spowage