Appau Jnr Boakye-Yiadom // Before: Socialized, Circularized, Linearized, Artificialized, Corrupt Time
10 Jul-4 Sep 2022
PV 9 Jul 2022, 3-6pm

Before: Socialized, Circularized, Linearized, Artificialized, Corrupt Time is an extensive new multimedia installation by Appau Jnr Boakye-Yiadom. This evolving and cumulative body of work – including print, archival material, film, sculpture, sound and performance – will change across 4 chapters throughout the exhibition creating a thinking space to consider collective cultural moments and memories.
Live collaborations with musicians will punctuate the exhibition with the recordings contributing to a metamorphosing soundscape. Each chapter will shift connections and references into a combined narrative which grows and expands. Continually in flux, the installation reflects Boakye-Yiadom’s intent to ‘explore plurality, highlight cultural collisions and exploit the performative possibilities of cultural commodities, everyday objects, film, music and images’.
Before: Socialized, Circularized, Linearized, Artificialized, Corrupt Time is generously supported by The Paul and Louise Cooke Endowment and Arts Council England.
Biography //
Appau Jnr Boakye-Yiadom (b. London) lives and works in London. Selected recent exhibitions and performances include: 'During: Compliments', Fruitmarket, Edinburgh (2022); 'Live Art Commissions', The Roberts Institute of Art, London (2022); 'During: Changeable Behaviour/Behavioural Change (Here Soon)', Quench Gallery, Margate (2021); 'Solos', Goldsmiths CCA, London (2020); 'Jerwood Solo Presentations', Jerwood Space, London (2019); and 'Before: Adaptive Rhythm', Black Tower Projects, London (2018).
Boakye-Yiadom received a Post Graduate Diploma from Royal Academy Schools, London (2008) and a BA (Hons) in Fine Art Painting at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton (2005).