Mindfulness day event: exploring self-compassion & ancestral histories with Rose Eskafi; and memory, observation & recall with Melissa Kitty Jarram
11 Jun 2022 10.30am-3.30pm

In a day dedicated to mindfulness, Rose Eskafi will be kicking things off in a deep dive into self-compassion and the importance of remembering your ancestral stories as a form of healing, grounding and building resilience.
Through a range of individual, group, and paired activities centred around topics like challenging the ego, compassionate meditation, imagination, intentional daydreaming, and building self-esteem, we’ll learn the importance of being gentle with ourselves and each other.
The second half of the day will be led by artist Melissa Kitty Jarram in a hands-on workshop centring around memory, time, and their impact on our ability to recall events in our lives.
Drawing upon the meditative act of collective painting, drawing and mark making, we’ll be manifesting the spiritual learnings we’ve taken from the day into physical pieces of artwork to take away.
All materials for both sessions are provided.