Charlotte Johannesson
11 May-18 Jun 2022
PV 11 May 2022, 6-8pm

Working across a range of media including textile, painting, digital print and digital slideshows, Charlotte Johannesson has developed a practice which surpasses technological and material limitations. Her work traverses the gendered binaries of weaving and coding, material and virtual, craft and industry, with each assumed polarity becoming a malleable attribute of her practice. Johannesson is foremost known for her pioneering work relating the craft technology of the loom and the digital technology of computer programming. The exhibition expands on this formal and material dialogue, providing an extensive account of her multifarious practice with digitally-conceived textiles, recent paintings and historic plotted prints. The exhibition explores Johannesson’s continued engagement with image production, symbolism and the conceptual and material synchronicities between the analogue and digital.