
Charlotte Birnbaum: A Swedish Plateau

17 Apr-1 May 2022

The Gallery of Everything
London W1U 7PS


Famed in her native Stockholm, and celebrated internationally for her esoteric taste and vision, Charlotte Birnbaum is a polymath whose written histories of art and food have led to the evolution of plateaux. 
Part utilitarian object, part artistic sculpture, Birnbaum’s assembled architectures quote the banquets of the Baroque and re-imagine them within a contemporary vernacular. 
That vernacular is multiplied by Birnbaum’s delight in her bric-a-brac. The plateaux are ready-mades, ready to use. Yet beneath the collage, they whisper to the viewer, of the forgotten art of the table, and the breakfasts and lunches and dinners of yore. 
A selection of artworks by Charlotte Birnbaum are available for sale. Please click here

For sales enquiries please contact [email protected]