Spirit Matter
14 Apr-28 May 2022

Alex Vardaxoglou is pleased to present Spirit Matter, a group exhibition of contemporary painting by artists who utilise the canvas as a means of engaging practically and materially with the dynamic, often intangible relations between their work and the world. The approach of the exhibited artists gives us an insight into their shared attributes: evidence of the gradual application and removal of paint frequently seen in these works implies an attitude to mark-making that centres both on reform and a protracted sense of time. Common among the artists is an engagement with the natural and material world that is often veiled or intentionally ambiguous: traces of forms and patterns of landscapes occasionally play over the surface, but only ever in passing and obliquely. As such, there is no reliance on straight-up figuration in communicating concept; the works rely on tempo of mark and a considered understanding of paint.
The exhibition features works by Frank Bowling, Tim Stoner, Pam Evelyn and Reina Sugihara.