Carla Åhlander & Camilla Løw
30 Mar-27 May 2022
PV 29 Mar 2022, 6-8pm

You who have dreams born in the bone,
Who are not alone going alone,
Who cannot see where the light lies
For the flame within your eyes,
From the ends of your seas’ four ways,
Riddle me these mysteries.
- Harriet Monroe, Quiet Music
Quiet pulses at once refract and conjoin the works of Carla Åhlander and Camilla Løw. Through quiet, Carla’s photographic series suspend their chosen subjects. Through quiet, the barely bare geometric forms of Camilla’s sculptural pieces take on a social-spatial energy. Presented together, for the first time, Carla Åhlander & Camilla Løw, provides an occasion to comprehend the elegance of the inaudible.
Carla Åhlander’s (b.1966, Lund, Sweden) soft grain photographs narrate moments that echo through life, provoking in turn an inquisitive mode of looking. In this exhibition, the tranquillity of empty rooms is illuminated in such a way as to transform our engagement with these humble spaces; to make us think of places not yet. Camilla Løw’s (b.1976, Oslo, Norway) careful compositions redefine space through their physical presence. Working with mute tones, monochrome and mirror and more, here, Camilla’s work animates the gallery’s space, our encounters with and in it, by weaving silhouettes and contours into structural rhythms.
Far from a meek whisper, this exhibition unites two practices that ask us to comprehend the very hum of life. And through this low frequency, how our quiet encounters with and in the world can sing anew.