The Cast of Things
23 Sep-10 Oct 2021

This September, self-selected APT studio artists come together to present work for our annual Group Show The Cast of Things.
A series of objects and images selected by APT artists members, Bernice Donszelmann and Richard Rigg, will be presented within the Gallery space for a period of 3 weeks.
The show presents an assemblage of work and objects, collected from APT artist members over the last few months. The Cast of Things is a celebration of the artist studio, putting the unique working process and space at centre stage. Instead of resolved works, all the exhibiting artists were asked to propose objects and images from their studios that might be fragments, outliers or incomplete ideas – partial and uncertain but vital to an artist’s studio practice.
With no pre-determined narrative, a selection of guest writers and artists will be asked to respond to the objects selected, to weave together coherences. Varied in their responses these might be light-hearted, they might be absurd, they might be serious, but by placing the interpretative texts together, they will form different journeys and paths around the show, competing, differing or agreeing.