Gabriella Sanchez: Rough Renderings of Sharp Images
17 Apr-5 Jun 2021

Taymour Grahne Projects is pleased to present 'Rough Renderings of Sharp Images', a solo exhibition by LA-based artist Gabriella Sanchez (b. 1988), opening on Saturday, April 17, 2021. 3D tour here: Gabriella Sanchez is a multidisciplinary artist, whose practice is largely influenced by her background in graphic design. The elements of typography, text, form and color play a central role in her visual vocabulary, referencing artists who also utilize script in their work. Such examples are John Baldessari, Bruce Nauman and the collaborative works by Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat, all of which have largely shaped Sanchez’s artistic identity. However, Gabriella takes a whole new approach to show how the (art) world contextualizes artists who use the same 'language', but come from different backgrounds.