
Aubrey Levinthal : Nightstand Paintings

8 Apr-29 Apr 2021

Taymour Grahne Projects, Holland Park
London W11 4LA


Aubrey’s melancholic depictions of strange interiors focus on the home and inanimate objects in relation to the self, a topic that the artist has been developing since last March, when the first lockdown started. The shared experience of staying inside, of feeling isolated and sometimes vulnerable, of time passing slowly and of noticing our domestic environment more and more is at the centre of this new body of work. For Aubrey, the bedroom - previously the most intimate space - quickly started to feel visible to the outside world. These paintings are an ode to the ordinary interiors and objects that have taken on dizzying and distorted meanings in the upside-down world we find ourselves in during these times.


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Design Museum
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Nick Terry
Bartha Contemporary
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HackelBury Fine Art
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Gallery 1957
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Tropical Modernism: Architecture and Independence
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Accordion Fields
Lisson Gallery, 27 Bell St
until 4 May
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The Showroom
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until 25 May
Accordion Fields
Lisson Gallery, 67 Lisson St
until 4 May
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Patrick Heide Contemporary Art
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Saatchi Gallery
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The Wallace Collection
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Nick Waplington: Living Room
Hamiltons Gallery
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Looking In
JGM Gallery
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The Leisure Centre
The Brown Collection
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