
We Sing the Body Electric

2 Aug-28 Aug 2019

Cole Projects
London N1 5LG


All-female exhibition featuring: Ingrid Berthon-Moine, Stine Deja, Enam Gbewonyo, Bex Ilsley, Juliette Mahieux Bartoli, Laila Majid, Alix Marie, Stacie McCormick, Marie Munk, Fern Lucia O'Carolan, Katarzyna Perlak, Cherelle Sappleton, Karolina Stellaki, Rebecca Wallis. The exhibition title is taken from the Walt Whitman poem I Sing the Body Electric from 1855. Visionary for its time and increasingly relevant today, Whitman made the case for the inclusion of women in the democratic body by deconstructing the idea that the figure is always gendered- so he reduced the idea of the social constructions that the body is either male or female to the notion of the “naked meat of the body”. The work included highlights new ways that artists are dealing with the body- with a focus on it’s materiality which recalibrates the traditional female nude from the objectified into a confrontational subject, conveying an idea or universal reality, like Whitman’s poem.