
Corey Whyte : Enter the Golden Quarter

1 Oct-9 Oct 2019

Cole Projects
London N1 5LG


Taking its title from the economic period in the lead up to the holidays where the retail industry hopes to make the most profit, Corey Whyte's first solo exhibition is a record of his observations on how society operates within a culture of commodification, whilst simultaneously examining the commodification of society itself. We set out on annual pilgrimages over ever familiar ritualistic terrain, whether that be the countdown to Easter, Halloween or Christmas. Prior to Christian appropriations, the pagans tied their own annual rituals to the seasons - harmonising communities with each other and Nature. Somewhere along the way, these rites have been twisted into our current hysteric consumer behavioural pattern, which has perverted the initial intentions, bastardising them over and over again into a distorted state in which we must celebrate; because - we must.