Her Majesty URL : an online lecture by Olia Lialina
30 Apr 2020
arebyte Gallery are excited to invite you to an online lecture given by our current exhibiting artist, Olia Lialina. You can access the lecture from 5pm BST. A link to join will be provided on the day. "Dear online people, In this lecture organised by arebyte Gallery, I'd like to tell you about my works, old and new, and about Universal Resource Locator (URL). URL is the address of a website or file you see in the location bar of your browser, but it is more than technical information, and it is not only for servers to be read. Location bar is an input field and a battlefield, so let's look at it closer." Olia Lialina RSVP - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/her-majesty-url-olia-lialina-online-lecture-tickets-102667433056