
Still unresolved and very much ongoing

9 Jun-5 Aug 2017

Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix
London E1 7TP


Group show of GMendel, DLeBas, TGeoffroy, EM’Bala, DMacViban and Bakwa Magazine curated by CEyene. Taking on the rhetoric of the importance of art ‘now more than ever’, a discourse that gained currency on social media in the face of the crisis of humanism, the exhibition examines the relationship between the socio-political and aesthetics. Drawing from the British context as point of departure, the recurrence of issues addressed by Black British artists in the 1980s, and the continued relevance of their art, this project is the result of ongoing conversations with artists who have always been alert to the fragility of democracies, concerned with the pockets of exclusions that exist in the so-called ‘Free World’.