
Byzantia Harlow: From the same source I have not taken

6 Apr-24 May 2018

Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix
London E1 7TP


The exhibition centres around faith, trust, coercion and the gap between real experience and artificial effect, and whether the constructed collective experience can be as meaningful as a genuine encounter. These ideas are explored through sculpture installations, a video projection and a performance enacted on the opening evening on 5th of April. The video documents performances of actions that take their starting point from rituals and spiritual practices, exploring the role between the genuine encounter and the re-enactment. Along with Harlow, people with genuine interest and experience in spiritual practices and alternative groups participated in the video. Authentic spiritual healing and rituals were performed alongside staged tableaux. The video is a collaborative work by Harlow and filmmaker Orlando Cubitt, with cinematography by Suresh Kara. The music score for the film includes a song written by Johnston Sheard for the project.