
27/50 Karen Mirza

7 Jul-12 Jul 2015

London SW1Y 5AH


‘The Ectoplasm of Neoliberalism’ is the first solo exhibition of Karen Mirza after two decades. Taking a step further to experiment with her ongoing exploration of positions that concentrate on women, bodies and sites of resistance, Mirza brings forth a confluence of occult and radical politics. Her large scale collages are drawn from her research in radical and psychic archives, her set of photo-prints are outcomes of studies of dissonance. Alongside the recent video piece ‘Everything for Everyone and Nothing for Us’, made with her long-standing collaborative partner Brad Butler, Mirza invites co-investigators to delve into private and public conversations on the theory of Ectoplasm of Neoliberalism from their angles of Astrology, Radical Politics, Kundalini Yoga among others. The week will cultivate a setting for elaboration and a zone for unleashing the potential of progressive thinking and provocation around the possibility of evoking a new stance, and will conclude with a workshop for ideas that pulls together fragments from the discursive and semantic production.