
33/50 El Ultimo Grito

18 Aug-23 Aug 2015

London SW1Y 5AH


El Ultimo Grito, composed of Rosario Hurtado and Roberto Feo transform the fig-2 premises into a testing ground of ideas and postulates. Combining their on going investigation into the intersection of progressive outlines of future cities speculated by Italian radical architecture group Superstudio, with the inner logic of the digital interfaces -specifically of map applications, El Ultimo Grito brings forward elaborations of human reality today. Expanding on the prospections of democratic use of built-in environment from physical to its symbolic and metaphorical dimensions, the duo will further their production on site, transporting their ideas to manifest as part of their exhibition. Inverting the structure of the fig-2 week, El Ultimo Grito invite the audience to visit their show on the last day of their exhibition, starting the setting of their production on Monday evening, and making their processes visible for the public to see throughout the week.