
43/50 Karin Kihlberg & Reuben Henry

27 Oct-1 Nov 2015

London SW1Y 5AH


Kihlberg & Henry’s new commission ‘This Building, This Breath’ amplifies their long-term engagement with filmic voiceovers, their investigation into the disembodied voice, the acousmatic sound and the possibility of pushing the art experience into situations of liveness. Their new work emerges as a hypnotic foray into presentness and the passing of time, as it speaks to the viewer as a witness to the content laid bare. Introducing sound and moving image as two distinct bodies under the same skin, the artist duo chooses to separate these sources, thus involving a speaker as part of the work who will deliver the script from behind a screen, voicing content that coincides with the choreography of projected images. Adopting mechanisms familiar to the spheres of hypnosis or meditation in the structure and delivery of the script, they drive towards an abstract proposition that the room itself is breathing.